- Why does my report/dashboard/dashlet show that I haven't recently added an Activity to a contact/company/job even though I have?
- Why do my "Days Since Last Activity" reports not include my recent activities?
The most likely reason is that the activity you added to a contact, job, or company does not count towards "Days Since Last Activity".
You can see which types of activities count towards "Days Since Last Activity" by following the instructions below:
- NOTE: you will need Admin access to be able to view this information. If you do not have access, contact your Administrator for further assistance.
- Log into your Luxor environment
- Click on "Admin" in the upper right-hand corner of your Luxor environment
- Click on "Activity Settings"
- On this page choose which module type you want to view the included Activity Types for (companies, jobs, contacts, etc)
- From there, you will see a list of all of the Activity Types. If the Activity has a checkmark next to it, that indicates that it is included in the Activity Types that count towards "Days Since Last Activity"
- You can add or remove an Activity by unchecking or checking the box next to them. Click Save at the top of the page after making any changes.
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