- How can I tear out readings in MICA?
- How can I remove materials in MICA?
- Tearing out readings and materials for moisture point
iOS (iPad & iPhone)
To perform a tear-out for moisture point on the iPad:
- Go to the readings section of the application
- Select the tab for moisture readings
- From there, select the "i" icon to choose the room that has the material you want to remove.
- Then select "view all existing readings".
- From there you will be able to select the check box next to the material you want to show as removed, then select the "Tear Out" option.
- The material will not show again after being marked.
- On MICA Web, pull up the claim
- Go to the mitigation tab
- Quick entry > readings > moisture readings
- Select the pencil icon to edit the reading and mark it as torn out
- In the readings tab under moisture readings, tap readings rather than add/update.
- Click the button that says tear out point.
- Once you do this, the trip should not ask or require any further readings.
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