- MICA Detail Report is missing line items
- Area Items are not showing on the MICA Detail Report
- Missing line items for MICA report
Some possible causes for missing line items are listed below. Please check each cause to resolve the issue:
- Are you generating the right report/document type? Confirm that you are generating either a Detail Report or Preliminary. Some reports, such as the Mitigation Report, for example, do not include area items (line items).
- Does the loss have rooms in drying chambers? For line items to appear on reports, the loss must include floor definitions, dry chambers, and rooms added to the dry chambers.
- Ensure Area Items are checked (Preliminary Report only). When generating a Preliminary Report, ensure area items are selected. By default, everything should be visible unless manually deselected.
- Make sure you have exported your data from the MICA/Mitigate app. Ensure the app settings are correct, and try exporting the report again. If data exists locally on the MICA Mobility or Mitigate Mobile app, but has not been exported, it will not display in MICA web for the report.
- Check under the Mitigation tab > Area Items. If area items are not listed here, they won't appear on the report.
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