- I added a new Equipment Type but it is not showing as an option when I'm creating a new piece of equipment.
- The Equipment Type is missing from the list when adding a new piece of Equipment to DASH
Equipment Types can be added or edited under Administration > Company Settings > Equipment Type. However, when a new Equipment Type is added, it must also have a Secondary Equipment Type added to it. If an Equipment Type does not have a Secondary Equipment Type added, it will not show in the list when creating/adding a new piece of equipment to your DASH system.
You can add a Secondary Equipment Type by following the instructions below:
- In your DASH environment, hover over Administration and select Company Settings
- Select Equipment Type
- On the Equipment Type page, locate the Equipment Type that is not showing in your lists and click Add/View Secondary Equipment Type to the right of the name
- Click Add New Record on the Secondary Equipment Type page
- Fill out the required fields and save your changes
- Now, when adding a new piece of equipment, the Equipment Type should show as an option
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