Please note that once a job number is used once in the system it cannot be used again
This article covers how to update your default job number formatting / schema in DASH.
Best practices for multiple offices
Default job number schemas / formats must be set up per office. We advise that you add a suffix or prefix to your job numbers to help you keep track of which job belongs to which office. E.g. Office A would have job numbers that look like this 22-0001-A. Office B would have job numbers that look like this 22-0001-B.
Updating schema for the new year
You'll want to change the default job number schema under Default Documentation Standards, which is located under the Administration menu. Click into that option, then find the field that says Job Number.
Change the year prefix or suffix there to the new year (whatever format your company uses) and hit the yellow Save button at the top of the page. After that change is made, all jobs going forward will now be listed for the new year.
If you have multiple offices, you will need to follow these instructions for EACH additional office:
- Hover over Administration and click Employee.
- Click Edit next to your name.
- Change your Office to the office you are trying to set up
- Save the changes.
- Log out and back into the software.
- Perform the standard procedure of changing the format in Administration → Default Documentation Standards.
- Go back to Employee and change your office to the next one needing the change.
- Log out and back in again.
- Rinse and repeat.
When you have done all the offices, don't forget to change the office back to the original. Also, don't forget to log out and back in each time you change your office in Employee.
Here's our manual on changing Job Number schema: Job Numbers for the New Year
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